When Tableau Server is attempting to start or restart, the job will time out with one or multiple services in an ERROR state which have failed to enable.
This is an example error within the tabadmincontroller_node1-0.log logging output:
2023-10-27 20:39:25.017 +0000 pool-22-thread-1 : ERROR com.tableausoftware.tabadmin.webapp.asyncjobs.JobStepRunner - Running step StartAllServices failed
com.tableausoftware.tabadmin.webapp.exceptions.ServiceOperationTimeoutException: One or more services failed to reach their expected state.
dataserver_0.20231.23.0909.1155: Failed to reach requested state. Current state: ENABLE_FAILED
Error Message: com.tableausoftware.tabadmin.exceptions.ConfigurationException: config_failed_generate_config_files:Generating configuration files failed. (errorCode=10) C:\Program Data\Tableau\Tableau Server\data\tabsvc\config\dataserver_0.20231.23.0909.1155\tableau.lic (Access is denied)