Published: 07 Apr 2023 Last Modified Date: 11 Apr 2023
How to display axis for each data.
The view below shows Sales data for each Category. <Current Behavior> <Desired Behavior>
Tableau Desktop
Create a sheet for each data and apply the sheet selector and add each on the dashboard.
1. Connect to Sample Superstore from Tableau Desktop. 2. Drag [Order Date] to Columns and [Sales] to Rows. 3. Drag [Category] to Color on Marks. 4. Drag []Category to Filter Pane -> Check in only 'Furniture'. 5. Create a new parameter as following. 6. Right click on [Show/Hide Furniture] -> Show Parameter 7. Crate a new calculated field as following. Name : Furniture Filter Calculation : [Show/Hide Furniture] 8. Drag [Furniture Filter] to Filter Pane -> Check in 'Custom value list' -> Enter '1' to search bar -> Press Enter key -> Check in '1' 9. Right click on Sales Axis -> Edit Axis -> Change the Title to 'Furniture'.
10. Crate a new sheet -> Replace the category with [Office Supplies] and perform steps 2 ~ 9. 11. Crate a new sheet -> Replace the category with [Technology] and perform steps 2 ~ 9.
12. Create a new dashboard 13. Drag 'Horizontal' object at the top and bottom of the dashboard as shown below. 14. As following image, place each sheets in the "Horizontal container" below. 15. Delete Color Legend from dashboard. 16. Adjust containers height. 17. Click on Furniture sheet on dashboard -> Delta mark -> Title //Title is hidden. 18. Apply step 17 to the other 2 sheets.
This feature is not built in Tableau Desktop yet.
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