Creating a Pie Chart Using Multiple Measures

Published: 25 Feb 2016
Last Modified Date: 20 Jul 2023


How to create a pie chart using multiple measures.


Tableau Desktop


  1. In the Marks card, select Pie from the drop down menu.
    User-added image
  2. Drag Measure Values to Size.
  3. Drag Measure Names to Color.
  4. Right click Measure Values or Measure Names on the Marks card and select Edit Filter…
  5. Select the measures you would like to include in your pie chart.
  6. (optional) Drag a specific measure to Label (or Measure Names or Measure Values to add the name of the measures or the measures) to the pie chart.

Additional Information

To view these steps in action, see the video below. 
Note: video has no sound. 

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