
How to Customize And Automatically switch between "K", "M", and "billion" notation on the numeric axis of the graph

發佈時間 : 05 Jan 2022
上次修改日期 : 29 Nov 2023


How to customize and automatically switch between "K", "M", and "billion" notation on the numeric axis of the graph.
For now, we could only show "K", "M", and "B" on the numeric axis, could not customize them like the below image.

User-added image


  • Tableau Desktop


<STEP 1>
-Create the views-

1. Connect to Sample -Superstore.
2. Drag [Category] to Columns and [Sales] to Rows.
3. Change the sheet name to "K" from "Sheet 1".
4. Duplicate sheet "K" and change the name to "Normal".
5. Move to sheet "Normal".
6. Right click on Sales axis -> Format -> Change Number setting on Scale as following.
User-added image

<STEP 2>
-Create sheet select parameter- 

7. Create a new parameter as following.
User-added image
8. Create a new calculated field as following.
     Name : Switch the units
     Calculation : [Select axis unit]
9. In sheet "Normal", right click on parameter [Select axis unit] -> Show parameter -> Set parameter to 'Normal'.
10. Drag [Switch the units] to Filter pane -> Select Custom value list -> Enter 'Normal' in search box -> Check on 'Normal'.
User-added image
11. Move to sheet "K", right click on parameter [Select axis unit] -> Show parameter -> Set parameter to K'.
12. Drag [Switch the units] to Filter pane -> Select Custom value list -> Enter 'K' in search box -> Check on 'K'.
User-added image

<STEP 3>
-Create the dashboard-

13. Create a new dashboard.
14. Drag Vertical object to dashboard.
15, Drag sheet "K" to dashboard -> Hide title.
16. Drag sheet "Normal" to dashboard as following. -> Hide title.
User-added image

By changing the parameter, you can confirm that the axis units are switched.


The ability to switch the notation on the numeric axis like"K", "M", and "billion", is not currently built in Tableau Desktop.