How to Zoom in on Scatter Plot upon Selecting Certain Area Manually

Published: 21 Dec 2023
Last Modified Date: 22 Dec 2023


How to zoom in on a scatter plot upon selecting a specific area manually?



  • Tableau Desktop


Please follow along with this example by opening the packaged workbook found in the Attachments section.

There is a scatter plot chart named Sheet1 in the Sample.twbx packaged workbook which will demonstrate how to make the view to zoom in automatically when selecting an area on the view.

1. Right-click on Product ID and select Create > Set...

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Select Use all in the Sets editing window, then click OK to save the change.
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2. Create a calculation field named Is in Sets? and input the formula below:
[Product ID] in [Product ID Set]
True(Boolean) will be returned only when the Product ID selected is in the Product ID Set

3. Add the field Is in Sets? to the Filter card and select True.
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4. On the menu select Worksheet > Actions to add a Set Action as instructed below:
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*****Please refer to the video for detailed steps of adding Set actions and the final results generated.

5. Click on points on the scatter plots to see the effect of zoom in.

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