How to exclude certain data only from grand total

Published: 14 Jun 2023
Last Modified Date: 15 Jun 2023


How to exclude certain data only from grand total.

<Current Behavior>
Sales by all Category is included in grand total
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<Desired Behavior>
If you select "Furniture" in parameter, Furniture Sales is excluded from grand total.
And change the title according to parameter value.
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  • Tableau Desktop


Please follow along with the attached sample workbook to the right of this text in the Attachments section.

<STEP 1>
Create the Crosstab.

1. Connect to the Sample Superstore from Tableau Desktop.
2. Drag Category to Rows .
3. Drag Sales to Text on Marks.
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4. From the Toolbar, select Analysis > Totals > Show Column Grand Totals.

<STEP 2>
Create the calculation that excludes certain data only from grand total.
5. Create a new parameter as following.
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6. Right click on [Select Category Excluded from Total] -> Show parameter.
7. Create a new calculated field as following. 
     Name :Total Sales
     Calculation : {FIXED :SUM([Sales])}
8. Create a new calculated field as following. 
     Name :Sales Excluded from Total
     Calculation :{FIXED :SUM(IF [Category]=[Select Category Excluded from Total] THEN [Sales] END)}
9. Create a new calculated field as following. 
     Name :Grand Total Excluded Certain Category
     Calculation :IF WINDOW_MIN(MIN([Category])) = WINDOW_MAX(MAX([Category]))
                         THEN SUM([Sales])
                         ELSE SUM([Total Sales]) - SUM([Sales Excluded from Total])
10. Drag [Grand Total Excluded Certain Category] on [Sales] placed in Text.
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11. Right click on [Grand Total Excluded Certain Category] placed in Text -> Edit Table Calculation -> Set as following.
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<STEP 3>
Change the Title according to parameter value.
12. Double click on Title -> Enter the following sentence.
Grand Total Excluded <Parameters.Select Category Excluded from Total> Sales
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