How to create dynamic quadrant chart and color background.
Published: 22 Dec 2022 Last Modified Date: 23 Dec 2022
How to create dynamic quadrant chart and color background.
<Desired Behavior>
Tableau Desktop
<STEP 1> -Combining Data Sources- 1. Connect to Sample Superstore. 2. In Data Source tab, add the attached data source 'Quadrant.xlsx'. 3. Double click on Orders -> Drag Sheet1 of 'Quadrant.xlsx' to palette. 4. Select 'Create Join Calculation' from the Data Source pull-down menu. -> Enter '1' . 5. Select [Link] from the Sheet 1 pull-down menu. -> Select Full Outer.
<STEP 2> -Create Quadrant chart- 6. Move to Sheet 1 tab. 7. With right clicking , drag [Sales] to Columns -> Select AVG(Sales). 8. Drag [Profit Ratio] to Rows. 9. Drag [Manufacturer] to Detail on Marks. 10. Create a new parameter as following. 11. Create a new parameter as following. 12. Right click on [Profit Ratio Target] and [Sales Target] -> Show Parameter. 13. Right click on Y-axis (Profit Ratio) -> Add Reference Line -> Set as following. 14. Right click on X-axis (Avg.Sales) -> Add Reference Line -> Set as following.
<STEP 3> -Color background- 15. Create a new calculated field as following. Name : Max Sales Calculation : {MAX({ FIXED [Manufacturer]:AVG([Sales])})} 16. Create a new calculated field as following. Name : Min Sales Calculation : {MIN({ FIXED [Manufacturer]:AVG([Sales])})} 17. Create a new calculated field as following. Name : Max Profit Ratio Calculation : {MAX({ FIXED [Manufacturer]:[Profit Ratio]})} 18. Create a new calculated field as following. Name : Min Profit Ratio Calculation : {MIN({ FIXED [Manufacturer]:[Profit Ratio]})} 19. Create a new calculated field as following. Name : X Axis Calculation : IF ATTR([Quadrant]) = "Data" THEN AVG([Sales]) ELSEIF ATTR([Corner]) = 3 OR ATTR([Corner]) = 4 THEN [Sales Target] ELSEIF ENDSWITH(ATTR([Quadrant]),"Right") THEN ATTR([Max Sales]) ELSEIF ENDSWITH(ATTR([Quadrant]),"Left") THEN ATTR([Min Sales]) END 20. Create a new calculated field as following. Name : Y Axis Calculation : IF ATTR([Quadrant]) = "Data" THEN [Profit Ratio] ELSEIF ATTR([Corner]) = 2 OR ATTR([Corner]) = 3 THEN [Profit Ratio Target] ELSEIF STARTSWITH(ATTR([Quadrant]),"Top") THEN ATTR([Max Profit Ratio]) ELSEIF STARTSWITH(ATTR([Quadrant]),"Bottom") THEN ATTR([Min Profit Ratio]) END 21. Drag [X Axis] over [AVG(Sales)] on the Columns shelf. 22. Drag [Y Axis] over [AGG (Profit Ratio)] on the Rows shelf. 23. Drag [X Axis] next to [AGG (X Axis)] on the Columns shelf. 24. Expand Mark Cards named "AGG (X Axis) (2)" -> Delete [Manufacturer] placed in Labels -> Change the chart type to Polygon. 25. Right click on [Corner] on Data pane -> Convert to Dimension. 26. Drag [Corner] to Path on Marks. 27. Drag [Quadrant] to Color on Marks. 28. Click on Color on Marks -> Adjust color Opacity. 29. Right click on right [AGG (Sales)] on Rows -> Dual Axis. 30. Right click on Y Axis -> Edit Axis -> Delete Axis title. *Apply the same procedure to the lower X Axis. 31. Right click on upper X Axis -> Show Header. *Header is hidden.