Creating a Stacked Bar Chart Using Multiple Measures

Published: 14 Jun 2013
Last Modified Date: 15 Aug 2023


How to create a stacked bar chart with multiple measures.


Tableau Desktop


Option 1: Use a separate bar for each dimension
  1. Drag a dimension to Columns.
  2. Drag Measure Names to Color on the Marks card.
  3. On Color, right-click Measure Names, select Filter, select the check boxes for the measures to display, and then click OK.
  4. From the Measures pane, drag Measure Values to Rows.
  5. On the Marks card, change the mark type from Automatic to Bar. For more information, see Bar Mark.
Option 2: Use a separate bar for each measure
  1. Drag a dimension to the Color shelf.
  2. Drag Measure Names to Columns.
  3. On the Columns shelf, right-click Measure Names, select Filter, select the check boxes for the measures to display, and then click OK.
  4. From the Measures pane, drag Measure Values to Rows.

Additional Information

To view these steps in action, see the video below:

Note: The video has no sound.
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