Answer1. Create a parameter2. Create measure for sales value for different categories like belowFurniture Sales:IF [Category]="Furniture" then [Sales] endOffice Supplies SalesIF [Category]="Office Supplies" then [Sales] endTechnology SalesIF [Category]="Technology" then [Sales] endValue:CASE [Parameter 2] when "Furniture" then [Furniture sales] when "Office Supplies" then [Office Supplies] when "Technology" then [Technology Sales] end3. Now for horizontal radio button options for category, place category on columns, uncheck headerShape radio buttonSTR([Parameter 2]=[Category])+[Category]Category on Text, Shape radio button on shape and view as entire view4. This will give true [Parameter 2]=[Category] on the selection so Shape radio button will give t+CategoryName as resultCreate a custom pallet for radio button selected shape and unselected Click on Shape -> assign radio button selected to the ones that start with t and category name and unselected to f and category name.5. Click show parameter toggle between values and repeat the allocation process like above for the shapesAdd the sheets to dashboard 6. Click on Dashboard -> actions _> change parameter values
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