When executing a flow with CRM Analytics as the output destination, if the field name is Japanese and OS is Japanese Windows, the following error occurs when executing the flow and the flow cannot be executed.
System error: 400 Bad Request: "[{"message":"内部エラー: Input length = 1。Salesforce カスタマーサポートにお問い合わせください。: メタデータ JSON","errorCode":"FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION","fields":["MetadataJson"]}]"
System error: 400 Bad Request: "[{"message":"Internal error: Input length = 1. Please contact Salesforce Customer Support.: Metadata JSON","errorCode":"FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION","fields":["MetadataJson"]}]"
Additionally, if OS is English Windows, the flow completes execution, but when checked on CRM Analytics, Japanese characters are converted to like "???".