Tableau does not recognize the following 2 Japanese cities as county: 1. 丹波篠山市 (Tamba-Sasayama, Hyōgo)- city changed its name from 篠山市 to 丹波篠山市 in May 2019. 2. 那珂川市 (Nakagawa, Fukuoka)- city founded on October 2018, from 筑紫郡那珂川町.
Tableau does not recognize the following 2 Japanese cities as county: 1. 丹波篠山市 (Tamba-Sasayama, Hyōgo)- city changed its name from 篠山市 to 丹波篠山市 in May 2019. 2. 那珂川市 (Nakagawa, Fukuoka)- city founded on October 2018, from 筑紫郡那珂川町.
CASE [string] WHEN "丹波篠山市" THEN "篠山市" WHEN "那珂川市" THEN "筑紫郡那珂川町" ELSE [string] END2. Assign county geographic role to a new field.